Investigations in Mathematics Learning

The Official Journal of RCML

2.1 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)

Investigations in Mathematics Learning 
(IML) is published four times per year by Taylor and Francis. RCML seeks to stimulate, generate, coordinate, and disseminate research efforts designed to understand and/or influence factors that affect mathematics learning. This includes theoretical and methodological manuscripts. (Click here for more details regarding the call for manuscripts.)

A manuscript may not exceed 35 double-spaced pages (size 12 font, one-inch margins). This includes text, abstract, references, table(s), figure(s), and appendices. References may be single-spaced; however, all other text should be double-spaced. Submission must follow APA 7 guidelines. Tables and figures may be placed on individual pages or embedded within the text, but not both.


Routledge’s submission portal allows for rapid submission of original and revised manuscripts and facilitates the review process and internal communication between authors, editors, and reviewers via a web-based platform. Technical support for authors submitting to the journal can be accessed here. If you have any other requests, please contact the Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Megan Che ([email protected]). 

All submitted manuscripts are reviewed by a technical assistant for aspects including but not limited to (a) appropriate use of APA style, (b) alignment to the journal’s aims and scope, and (c) adherence to journal guidelines. This review is shared with the editor, who then reads the manuscript and the technical assistant’s review to evaluate whether the manuscript is appropriate for peer review.  

Investigations in Mathematics Learning is a membership journal of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. Once a manuscript is accepted for publication, at least one of the co-authors is required to join the membership of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning with full membership dues. 

Editorial team: Dr. Megan Che (Editor) and Nico Gomez Marchant and Dennis Kombe (Associate Editors)

Interested in reviewing for the journal? Go to the link below and enter the required information. Once you begin the process, you will be asked about your interest and expertise. These classifications are important to increase the likelihood of being asked to review the manuscripts on topics and methodologies that you are comfortable with. Thank you for serving RCML by being a journal reviewer. If you have questions, please email Dr. Megan Che ([email protected])


Technical Check

Technical checks are performed on all manuscripts. A technical check includes the following actions:

  • Conducting a check with iThenticate to examine similarity with other work. iThenticate, a service provided by Taylor & Francis, provides a report to the editorial team indicating the degree to which language in the submitted manuscript is accurately cited. It is anticipated that submitted manuscripts appropriately cite work and be free of plagiarism.
  • Reading the paper to confirm that it is blinded, meets APA guidelines, and does not exceed the page limit.
  • Confirming that the manuscript, including any tables and figures, are readable for peer-review.

If a manuscript fails the first technical check, then it is returned to the author for revisions. If the revised manuscript fails the technical check again, then it is rejected and a new submission is necessary.

Desk Rejection

Desk rejections may occur from time to time. Desk rejections will occur if the manuscript is not ready to be reviewed by peers and will be returned to the author. Reasons for desk rejections include but are not limited to the following:

  • Manuscript does not clearly connect to the mission (aims and scope) of IML.
  • Manuscript is missing one or more elements of a manuscript, or elements are incomplete:
    • Literature Review
    • Method
    • Results
    • Discussion/Implications
    • References
  • Manuscript is not formatted correctly or fails to adhere to IML guidelines.
  • Manuscript does not draw upon current and relevant research.
  • Manuscript is a literature review without a clear methodological and/or theoretical justification. Systematic reviews of the literature usually include a methods section with details about the search, inclusion and exclusion criteria that foster data collection, and data analysis. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses are both welcome.
  • Manuscript has numerous (e.g., five or more) usage errors including misspelled words and grammatical issues.


  1. For individuals, subscription is included with membership to RCML. To become a member, visit our membership page
  2. For organization or library subscriptions, please contact Taylor and Francis at [email protected], and their customer service will be happy to help you facilitate the subscription of the IML research journal.

Copies of Issues

For information on obtaining additional copies of issues, contact the RCML VP for Publications, Dr. Babette Benken ([email protected]).